Monday, June 23, 2008

Pregnancy & Infancy in Peace Deficiency

Coming into life and exiting from life, biologically is a very energy consuming effort of a living being.

An invasion of alien parameters set against nature or crossing the thresholds of constraints set by nature interferes this process.

Imagine when you are recuperating in a hospital from a critical operation, and some inconsiderate living beings next to your surrounding are making a lot of noise to the point that you are not left in peace for your system to focus on the recovery.

Similarly when a Fetus is in the mother womb and developing, and if parents are putting loud music to the point of scaring the new arrival to the world, there are chances that child may have issues with his hearing or even the brain or mind development.

I know of two cases where the newly born had ear development issues. Then I know a family where the daughter has some mental development issues and the father is an electronic buff and when watching certain movie and TV shows, I have personally seen him blasting the sound system. The child remains undiagnosed with the real cause of the under development. Such incidents I did not ever see in our generations when such annoying luxuries were not there to out disposals.

In the old days, when a woman was pregnant, a lot of precautions used to be taken, to make sure that the mother and the child is in safe environment, and happy. So the mother was made to have a complete bed rest and not allowed to go outside for lot of social and physical activities.

Blasting the Fetus with all kinds of rock and psychedelic sounds, junk food and drinks, and sure the child is going to affected. When we start taking things for granted, and in imitation of the wild world of peer pressure, loose our sense of common sensibility and land up doing wild things, without realizing what harm we may be doing ourselves.

I have seen many preganant women joining the late nights and socials where often loud music is played and they fail to realize from the Fetus point of view. This is the result of years of training of the world where "Me First, Me First" training goes on and one is not sensitive to one's own blood!